Negotiating Grids
Negotiating Grids highlights how artists continue a long-standing examination of the grid in art history, urban planning, and social infrastructures, in addition to more novel considerations of grids in digital space. Using the grid and related visual structures as points of departure, these eight artists collectively examine how order, power, and belonging are defined within, or outside of, these structures. All acquired within the last six years, the artworks include paintings and sculpture by Nina Chanel Abney, Jim Campbell, Timothy Curtis, Louise Fishman, Arghavan Khosravi, Isaac Tin Wei Lin, Tim McFarlane, and John Preus.
Banner image: Louise Fishman (1939-2021), Antica Locanda Montin, 2016, Oil on linen, Museum Purchase, 2020.24. Courtesy of Locks Gallery. Photo by Brian Buckley.
Exhibition Highlights

Potato, Potata, 2015
Unique ultrachrome pigmented print, spray paint, and acrylic on canvas
Museum Purchase, 2016.15a&b

Antica Locanda Montin, 2016
Oil on linen
Museum Purchase, 2020.24
Courtesy of Locks Gallery. Photo by Brian Buckley.

Fragmentary Bliss, 2021
Acrylic and airbrush ink on panel
Anonymous Gift, 2021.16a-i
Photo by Claire Iltis.
Isn't it time to celebrate your freedom?, 2021
Acrylic and cement on cotton canvas wrapped over shaped wood panel, wood cutout
Funds provided by Emily and Michael Cavanagh, 2021.22
Courtesy of the artist and Rachel Uffner Gallery.
Exhibition Support
Special exhibitions at PAFA are made possible thanks to leadership support from Emily and Mike Cavanagh, and Dorothy and Ken Woodcock. Generous support is provided by Bill and Laura Buck, Ralph Citino and Lawrence Taylor, Ro and Martin King, Robert E. Kohler, the Lau Longsworth Charitable Fund, Sueyun and Gene Locks, Maggie and Brien Murphy, Donna Ostroff and Carl Capista, and Howard Sacks and Vesna Todorović Sacks. Additional support is provided by Jonathan L. Cohen, Marilyn Fishman and James MacElderry, Linda Seyda and Robert Boris, and donors to the PAFA Special Exhibitions Fund.
Donor Lists as of June 1, 2022