Summer Shorts

Exhibition Info
Curated by
Julien Robson, Curator of Contemporary Art
A selection of video works by Philadelphia-based artists.

Summer Shorts featured a selection of video works by artists from Philadelphia. Each of the seven works was shown continuously in the Morris Gallery for one week. During the final week of the series, all seven works were shown consecutively in a video loop ("Summer Shorts REDUX"). The exhibition’s purpose was to give audiences an opportunity to sample some of the video art being made by artists in this city.

August 18–23, 2009Andrew Brehm, Venezuela (2009)
August 25–30, 2009Roxana Pérez Méndez, De Noche Sueño Contigo (2006/2009)
September 1–6, 2009Nicholas Salvatore, The Rockstar Diaries: Two Thousand Myspace Photos in Beijing (2009)
September 8–13, 2009Jack Sloss, Shed (2002)
September 15–20, 2009Andrew Suggs, Dark Side (2006/2009)
September 22–27, 2009Dan Murphy, I Do This (2009)
September 29–October 4, 2009Jenny Lynn, It’s a Sign (2009)
October 6–13, 2009Summer Shorts REDUX