Artists as Cultivators

Flowers Empower PRIDE - What's Your Flower?

Event Information
Rooftop Terrace, 11th Floor
Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building
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Advance registration is required.

General Public
PAFA Members: $25
Community Access
Lori Waselchuk

Graphic with title of event in green and rainbow letters featuring a duo-tone (pink & white) photographic portrait of a muscular person wearing a sculptured flower crown made mostly of sunfowers covering most of their face but a showing the mouth and beard.

During the month of PRIDE, artist, Marcellus and florist, Marvin Edward, will be using flowers as a metaphor to explore the infinite possibilities of identity. Participants will experience the history of floriography–the symbolic meaning of flowers–through an interactive personality quiz. At the end of the workshop, participants will leave with a handcrafted and unique flower which matches their personality. A smartphone or computer device will be needed for the personality quiz, but is not required to participate in the workshop. 

Limited to 30 participants. Museum admission is included with your registration.

Bio photo of Marcellus who has brown skin with small dreadlocks and short beard posing with left arm resting in front of the body and right hand holding forehead. Marcellus is looking left and up slightly, with a relaxed face.

Marcellus is an artist, media programmer and educator. He is invested in archives of Blackness, queerness, and their relationship to materials. Marcellus received his MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2017. Marcellus is originally from the suburbs of Baltimore and currently resides in Philadelphia. He loves a good brunch. 

bio photo of Marvin Edward, a person with brown skin, bald head and wearing glasses. Marvin is posed seated in a traditional portrait pose wearing a mint blue button down short-sleeved shirt.

Marvin Edward shares his life with the live entertainment industry and the whimsical world of floral design. A planner, a coordinator, an artist. Having an extensive background in the music and entertainment industry, his journey with flowers over the past five years has evolved into the unexpected. His quirky and colorful designs landed his designs in the dressing rooms of stars like Jennifer Lopez, the Weeknd, and Madonna and into major shows/events like the MTV Video Music Awards, weddings and TV Specials. Marvin was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and currently lives in North New Jersey.