Continuing Education

Portrait Painting Basics Workshop

Event Information
Room #461
Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building
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Allison Syvertsen
Ted Xaras Painting

This comprehensive two-day, weekend workshop covers all aspects of painting a traditional portrait. Topics include achieving a likeness, modeling light and shade, mixing flesh tones and applying paint through various techniques. All participants will produce at least one finished portrait. Includes demonstrations and portrait history. Valuable information for all levels.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will learn to analyze and construct a portrait using clearly defined steps.
  • Students will be able to achieve a likeness through the careful observation of shapes and their color/value equivalent, which together, form the “topography” of the face.
  • Students will learn how to mix and adjust colors to produce accurate flesh tones.
  • Students will be able to produce one completed portrait, either a head and shoulders or the entire torso and hands.
  • Students will be able to paint a recognizable portrait from life.
  • Students will gain an appreciation for the art of portraiture from their own work as well as becoming acquainted with historical and contemporary examples as a basis for further study.

Register by: July 1

Continuing Education offers a robust rotation of hands-on studio art classes and workshops, outside of the degree programs, taught by stellar professional artists—many of them faculty or alumni of the School of Fine Arts. Join our community of dedicated, passionate artists and find the perfect fit for adults at any skill level.