Rights, Reproductions & Licensing

Reproductions of objects in the Museum’s collections may be licensed for personal, scholarly, or commercial uses. The fastest and most efficient way to submit requests for high-resolution images is through this online form (below). Orders are processed in the order they are received, and staff makes every effort to respond promptly, but please allow up to five business days for a response. Patrons may also email collections staff with the subject line "Rights and Reproductions" for quotes.

Members of the media may request images to accompany media coverage of PAFA’s special exhibitions and its collection by contacting the Marketing and Communications team. 

Please review PAFA's Permissions Terms and Conditions (updated May 2022). PAFA reserves the right to refuse any request and to impose such conditions as it may deem advisable in the best interest of PAFA. 

FEES - Rights & Reproduction fees are comprised of two parts:  (1) Digital File Fee +  (2) Licensing Fee = Total R&R Fee

Existing digital image file fee

Non-profit $50.00

Commercial $100.00

New digital photography fee$200.00-$350.00 (depending on size)
Rush Fee

Non-profit $100.00

Commercial $150.00

PAFA determines fee quotes based on projected use. The reproduction fee will vary depending on the specifics of each request and details such as print run, language, distribution territory, print size/location, and publication type are all factors for determining fees. A license agreement for use will be provided. In order for the Museum to process a request, a signed copy must be returned and the invoice paid in full. *All fees subject to change without notice.*

The Museum grants the license requested only to the extent of its ownership rights relating to the request. Certain material may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not owned by PAFA. The responsibility for ascertaining whether any such rights exist and for obtaining all other necessary permission remains solely with the Licensee. PAFA reserves the right to request copies of such permissions prior to processing licensing requests. 

To secure permission for image use, please download and fill out the Right, Reproduction, and License Agreement Form, then send it to the Museum via email at collections@pafa.org. Please do not check that you agree to the terms or sign the document yet. A staff member will send an estimated cost for your project. 

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PAFA provides a wide range of services in support of the research interests of students, scholars, faculty, staff, and the general public.